Traits of an Empath!

Brilliant post about being an Empath!

Healing Your Heart From Within

Reblogged from soulvisionhealing

Just an interesting list to ‘see’ what traits you may have. We all have the ability, and it can be more pronounced depending where you are at in your life!


Traits of an Empath

Empaths as a rule are often highly misunderstood people who have the amazing yet intense ability to be able to sense emotions from; family, friends, animals and even complete strangers both in-person and from a distance. Empaths can also sense energy from possessions (such as photographs or someone’s ring) nature and also the earth’s magnetic fields. This is how more often than not and not unlike an animal can sense something coming, so to can the empath on many different levels.
Just so you are aware being an Empath is not the same as having empathy. We are all born with empathy and have the ability to empathize with another; Empaths have…

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Author: Courage Coaching

I provide empowerment, empathy & support. I specialise in dealing with dysfunctional relationships, particularly narcissistic abuse & encouraging self-compassion.

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